SAG 3月7日活動 お金について学ぼう




  グラミン日本 貧困のない、 誰もが活き活きと生きられる社会へ グラミン日本

 今回 アメリカの貯金箱、ピギーちゃんを紹介しました。4つの入り口と出口があり、用途に合わせてお金を「貯める」ことができます。お菓子やおもちゃを買うための使うお金、近い将来大きな金額の買い物をするためのお金、今は必要ではないから増やすためのお金。そして、誰かのため、社会貢献となる寄付。普段あまり意識しないこれらのことを説明し、その後みんなで楽しくフリーマーケットを行いました。陳列や品揃え、価格設定など、商売にはコツがあり、今回の実践はみんなのお金への向き合い方を大きく変えたと思います。

  ブタの貯金箱に投入口が4つ。 “お金オンチ”にしないマネー教育 | THE OWNER 先進国の中でも金融リテラシーが低いと言われる日本。子供のころからのマネー教育が欠けているのですからムリもありません。日本にもブタの貯金箱はありますが、米国のものは投入口が4つ。それぞれに「貯める」「使う」「増やす」「寄付する」と書いてあり、 THE OWNER

 Today’s topic is about the flee market. Before the activity, children had fully preparation for what they wanted to selltoday. This may be their first experience of buying and selling real things. At the same time, Nahid, a girl from Bangladesh, also participated in today’s event. From her introduction, we learned that Bangladesh’s international banks are very famous, and it is also famous for precious Bengal tigers. In order to enhance the interaction with her, we also played the game of guessing the national flag and drawing and guessing game. After these ice-breaking games, we officially started today’s theme.

 During the process, children delicately decorate their own shops, and each merchandise was labeled with the price. Of course, compared with the real market, the price was really reasonableand the quality was well worth with it. The English contents kids practiced today was about shopping. For example, in the enquiry and reply like “how could I help you?” I want to buy…could I have a bargain on it? At first, the children were a little bit shy, but when they saw what they wanted in the store, they used these English expressions quickly and eagerly. Words.

 After that, we made a cost-effective calculation for everyone’s trading situation, telling them that trading is not merely a momentary joy, and more importantly, it is about how to manage money.​​​​​​​

