SAG 2月5日活動 こども六法すごろくに取り組む



 今回は今話題の「こども六法すごろく」を使って、遊びました。ルールはいたった簡単ですが、設問は深く、みな真剣に取り組むことができました。最初に「人権」を、英語では「Human Rights」であることを伝えました。 
 “Human Rights”とは、「人間として正しいこと」という意味です。日本語の「人権」という言葉には「そういう 意味が含まれていないだけに」、つねに意識せねばなりません。どの国にも、それぞれその国で決められた法律がありますが、たとえば、人に暴力をふるったり、物を奪ったりしても何もペナルティがなかったらどうでしょう? そんな国では安心して暮らせませんよね。「そんなことをされたら、みんなイヤじゃん。だからやらないようにしよう」と、これまで話し合われてきたものを尊重し知ることが、法律を学ぶということなのです。子どもたちも社会の一員ですから、自分の身を守るための大事な道具として、法律に興味を持ち、法律を守る気持ちも持ってほしいと思います。すごろくという楽しめる方法を通じて、そんなこと伝わったのであれば幸いです。ぜひともご家庭で、法律の話をしてみていただきたいと思います。

 Today’s topic is related to learning law. Initially, it seemed extremely boring for children. Some of them even claimed that it is far away from their lives, therefore it is not so important to learn it. However, just after today’s activity, almost most of them changed their minds and began to realize the importance of learning law. May be the most important reason is related to this book —-< six laws related to children>, which is also attached with a board game. Firstly, compared with other law-related books, this book was written in the perspective of children, as a result, it is not difficult for kids to understand. Secondly, the more interesting thing is that a board game is attached with. The rule is that for every dice round, one question must be answered by one person, through this way, not only could children play the game happily, but also they can absorb numerous law-related knowledge in a natural way. At the beginning of today’s activity, Q San leader started today’s activity by introducing a story— 「Parable of the Good Samaritan」. The story was introduced through a video where there are three passer-by walked in front of Jesus and the first two of them did not care about him since they thought the man was too poor and dirty. But it’s only the last man who gave assistance to Jesus. He did not think too much, just felt the man was in pity and would love to help him. Actually, the aim of this story is to let kids understand to help those who are in trouble as much as possible, regardless of their background, racial or skin colors. In the same way, everyone should obey the law seriously and equally, regardless of nationality or race. During the vocabulary process, words related to law which includes “human rights”, “a right action” and also “we need to respect each other’s human rights” and etc were introduced by Izumi leader. “What is the “human rights? How should we gain and protect it?” asked by Q san leader. Some kids held the opinion that human right could allow one to free express opinions in the public, others believed that human rights is the distinction between human and animals, a nation’s citizens and non-citizens. I could not agree with these opinions, however, in my opinion, I tend to believe more that unless you take the initiative to fight for human rights, it will disappear. I think maybe human rights is not owned by human originally, it is obtained through hard strive, furious fight and etc. if one doesn’t know how to acquire and protect human rights or despise human rights, he would probably lead a miserable living.



  【著者が語る】こども六法すごろく発売! 親子で遊べる法律ボードゲームに込めた思い 【著者が語る】こども六法すごろく発売! 親子で遊べる法律ボードゲームに込めた思い出演:山崎聡一郎編集:大河原短調moll ( )監修:じゃこにゃー大先生(… YouTube

