カボチャの中身をくりぬいて中にろうそくを立てた「ジャック・オー・ランタン」をつくったり、子どもたちが魔女やお化けに仮装して、近くの家々を訪れ「Trick or treat(お菓子をくれなきゃ、いたずらするぞ)」と唱えてお菓子をもらったりする風習などがあり、日本ではここ数年急速に行事として広まって来ました。
アミューズメントライブカフェ トニカ
岡山メディアサポート OMS
Today’s topic is Halloween, despite the fact that Christianity has no relationship with this Festival, in order to satisfy children’s needs, we still actively prepare for the activity. Besides, children all dressed in their favorite costumes today.
Today’s activity consists of three parts: brief introduction of Halloween, making decorations on their special face mask and doing trick or treat activity and making final reports to their parents. Initially, Q San leader asked us the history of Halloween, however, seldom did we really know the culture. Just through the game form, we were told the origin and contents of Halloween Festival. Besides, since there were people from countries like China and India where Halloween culture is not popular, when they said they are not familiar with Halloween festival, other kids showed astonished expressions. In my opinion, It is not necessary to allow all people accept the same culture and we actually don’t have the need to do so. The point is to embrace different cultures and to enjoy the joyfulness brought by the Festival itself. Following the introduction to the festival, we moved to the next step of making face masks for the preparation of later trick or treat activity. Kinds did their craftsmanship with extreme carefulness by pasting their favorite stickers and patterns. Though it is merely a face mask, after their delicate decorations, it turned out to be a masterpiece.
After that, we moved into the most significant step of today—trick or treat! Actually, we went for three locations today, one is called tonikuwhich is related to cafeteria, the second stop is an NPO place where students could come for the consultation when they have trouble or bad feelings. The ultimate destination is called OBS which is a musical studio. Kids actively involved themselves in participating in the activity and say the words: trick or treat loudly and in return for this, they got the candies with themselves. Time ran so fast! It suddenly came to the final report to their parents. They presented the report in the form of singing Halloween song and introduce their role they cosplayed. At 13:00 o’clock, we finished today’s activity.
Perhaps it was this riddle of the yellow star that drew King Christian to his balcony that night.
The sky was filled with the light of many stars.”If you wished to hide a star,” wondered the king to himself, “where would you place it?” His eyes searched the heavens.”Of course!” he thought.