SAG 7月25日活動報告 火をおこす、焚き火をする。





Lighting up a fire with match, opening a can with screwdriver or making a fire to have a barbecue etc which should have been  considered as basic living skills, however, for these who have already been accustomed to the convenient lifestyle—making a fire easily by a lighter, buying can without using screwdriver or having a wonderful barbecue in a restaurant, not to mention the kids, how many of these so-called basic things could be really done by our adults stills arouses a question. Therefore, the purpose of today’s activity was to allow children to experience and train these basic survival skills. At first, they appeared frightened and afraid of lighting up a fire with match by themselves. But after they had been told it is safe and several trials made by leaders, they became calm down and eagerly to do it on their own. In the following process of making a fire in barbecue, after they had been told the conditions of burning which consist of heat, oxygen and fuel, they began to collect various materials—-newspaper, coal, woods and each of them actively took an active role in the process. Finally, after having a wonderful barbecue meal, they were told to use screwdriver to open up cans. Under the intense stimulation of eating delicious dessert, they tried their best to make it in various methods. Though a little bit time was taken, it was worthwhile  opportunity to let them know the process of gaining food by themselves. The essence of life is to enjoy and love life, however, the majority of people are too busy with their life to do it. Actually, one of the best and easiest ways is returning back to the nature and learning how to make things with our own hands. Only through the process of making things by ourselves can we feel the true joyfulness and excitement. 

 今回は1学期最後の活動でしたので、今までに使ったフレーズを覚えているかどうかを確認しながら半日過ごしました。Helloではなく、Hi!、My name is ~ではなく、I’m  ~.これはもう定着しました。またMay I have ~?やWould you ~というフレーズ、I have a problem here.という言い回しも使えるようになっている気がします。2学期に向けて、ますます英語も楽しんでいきたいと思っています。元気でお過ごしください。      いずみん
