保護者のみなさんの「ペラペラ」のイメージは、どんな感じでしょうか?私が思い描く「ペラペラ」とは「困っている人がいたら、たとえ国籍の違う人だとしても勇気をもって行動を起こし、声をかけて助けてあげることのできる力」のこと。そのために必要なのは、英語を道具として使いこなす力、すなわちコミュニケーションの力をつけることです。今や世界の英語話者は、ネイティブスピーカーの5倍以上のノンネイティブが占めています。そしてこれら日本人以外のノンネイティブの人々の多くは、失敗を恐れず、堂々と英語を喋ることができます。これから様々なプログラムをとおしてそんな力を身に着けていきます。よろしくお願いします。 QSAN
REPORT from Yuyang
Our main topic today is to allow students to get to know each other. By allowing them to watch a video which is about helping a foreigner who is in trouble, QSAN wants to inform them the importance of learning English. After practicing some basic greetings with each other, such as “my name is…”. “it’s nice to meet you”, we began to make children have a real practice in surrounding shopping streets.
Each child was presented with a letter with mission written on. according to the specific content, children needed to select the relative merchandise and use the English phases which they just learned. They did a great job in this process. At around 10:30, we returned back to YMCA and began to play a ball game. Two children were paired in each group and to throw a ball. The results of game was decided by the distance between the throwing ball and the objective ball. The one which was nearest to it was the winner. As a result, the group where Yuki stayed was the champion.At around 12:00 o’clock, we returned back and have lunch. Due to the cornavirus, we were asked to prepare the food by ourselves.At 13:00 ‘o clock, kids made a report to their parents.
今回はみんなにリアルに出会えて嬉しかったです。日本語でも、英語でも、気軽にあいさつができるようになってほしいと思って、今回のプログラムを計画しました。「はじめてのおつかい」気分で、お店でお買い物に取り組むことができて感心しました。大きい声、お忘れなく。 いずみん